
We increase engagement.
And profits.
Living Popups interactive Augmented Reality content helps publishers rise above their competition and deliver must-have publications.
Our AR adds value to everything from existing K-12 textbooks to a brand-new best seller.
Context for Today.

As the world continuously changes, AR content gives publishers the opportunity to
provide new context to their existing historical books. On top of redirecting the conversation,
AR is a great way to deepen the readers loyalty to a series or to a publisher and create new revenue streams.
More learning means more data.
AR creates deeper learning for students and publishers. Our publishing team can show
you how we can collect reader data, add digital collectibles and use technology to bring your books alive for a younger demographic.
Know what readers like most.
Our sophisticated data collection lets us see what AR resonates most. Through our ARed
Platform, teachers get notifications about how students interacted with the AR so they can
create lessons students love. For publishers, our data makes it easier to identify the type of
content that will create future, profitable publications.

Charlie Fink, Forbes columnist covering Augmented and Virtual Reality calls AR “the greatest business and technology story of our time.”
In Convergence, How The World Will Be Painted With Data, Charlie Fink tasked
Living Popups to utilize AR to engage professionals and educate non-technical readers while telling the story of AR.
Living Popups' AR characters allow readers to use their smartphone to bring pages to life, demonstrating with art and entertainment how the world, and every person, place, and thing, will be painted with data.
*book and AR sold separately

Erik Murphy-Chutorian
The original AR animation is ingenious.
Amazon Reviews
Experience the future of books.
The Future of Publishing.
Josef Mandelbaum
Magic happens and you will understand what the hype is all about.